Life is better with Friends…5 days to go

This kid moved in across the street and instantly became a fixture around our house.  He could be a Cordeau.  These three are perfection together.  Their friendship is what friendships are suppose to be about.  They are full of giggles, fun, fighting, I’m sorry’s, hugs, adventures, creativity, joy, Jesus, and all the things that make life perfect.  These three are awesome.  He is just one of the many friends that the girls have made along the way in their short 7 years of life, some of them make a huge impact and they talk about them for months. Some I hope they keep forever.  I met my Bestie when I was 7 and we are still friends, and our kids are friends.  Some of them they cant remember their names.  Some friends we lost along the way, and we miss them and we talk about them.  Like tonight.  We talked about just calling Heaven and seeing whats up and talking to our friends that are there chilling with Jesus.  Kalli thinks that when Brian and I get to Heaven we should invent the first phone that calls Earth from Heaven.  I think that is brilliant.  There are a few people in Heaven that I would like to call and chat with.  I wish that phone was invented now.

As a grown up, I’ve had some amazing friends come in at seasons where God knew that I really needed that kind of person in my life.  God made us to be friends with each other, maybe for life, maybe for a season.  I do know that I would not have made it through this season without the amazing friends that I have.  With the people that have surrounded me, held me up, prayed for me when I could pray for myself, took care of our kids, took care of my family…

Life is just better with friends.  And my friends make my life better.  Thank you friends.

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