A year and then some

A little over a year has gone by since I posted last.  The last post was when Aida finished treatment. Since then there have been so many good days.  She is just about to finish 3rd grade, her birthday is coming up, we have a BIG summer planned.  Life is good.  She’s had a busy […]

Saturday! 24 hours out!

We had a busy day LLS events were in full swing yesterday and today.  She loves being Girl of the Year.  Every where we went people asked us about her last treatment and her party.  I answered the questions and then we would get in the car and she would say mommy, I do still […]

Party Day! 3 days left !!

  On this day sweet princess, we gathered together to celebrate your bravery and  your courage, in your fight against cancer.  From the moment we told you that you had cancer you accepted it with out argument and with our discouragement.  You walked with grace and perseverance through this journey, over coming obstacles like they […]

Today we Walk! 8 days to go

Today we walked with some dear friends in the Any Baby Can Walk For Autism.  I won’t go into details but having her son diagnosed with Aspergers 2 years ago has been a struggle that I cant even begin to relate to.  I learn so much from this friend. Her patience, her grace, her compassion. […]